
As written on July 5, 2007  Last amended October 15 2023


Article 1. Grove Purpose

Article 2. Categories of Membership and Membership Process

Article 3. Calendar and Rituals

Article 4. Business and Other Meetings

Article 5. Committees and Circles

Article 6. Election of Officers

Article 7. Leadership Council, Board, and Other Officers

Article 8. Financial Records

Article 9. Membership Dues and Allocations

Article 10. Discrimination and Inappropriate Behaviour

Article 11. Expulsion, Suspension, or Resignation of Members and Officers

Article 12. Exceptions to the Bylaws and Amendments

Relevant Documents

DLG Constitution

Article 1. Grove Purpose

To serve the spiritual needs of the Durham Region community through public Druidic ritual and religious support of the community in the Druidic way (e.g. counselling, blessing, advising, environmental stewardship, et cetera). To provide opportunities for the worship of deities of the land and our folk within the context of Pan-Indo-European traditions, with a Celtic focus.

Article 2. Categories of Membership and Membership Process

1. Rights, Expectations, and Obligations. Dancing Lights Grove recognizes the following Categories of Membership — Guest, Applicant, Member, and Core Member — and the associated rights, expectations, and obligations that are appropriate to each, where:

  • Rights are defined as that to which a member of a particular category is entitled and which they may not be denied as long as they remain a member of this category.
  • Expectations are defined as actions which a Member is encouraged to take, but the failure of which will not incur a penalty.
  • Obligations are defined as actions that a Member is required to take, and the failure of which to perform may incur penalties, up to and including loss of membership.

  1. Age Restrictions for Membership. No person under the age of 18 years may apply to become a Member of Dancing Lights Grove. Persons attending as Guests between the ages of 14 and 17 must provide a signed letter of informed consent from a parent or legal guardian prior to attending their first event. Children under 14 years of age must be accompanied by at least one parent or legal guardian.
  2. Member in Good Standing. A Member in Good Standing is current with their dues, and is not suspended or banned.
  3. Voting Member. A Voting Member is a member in Good standing who has attended at least ⅓ of events in the last year. Events can consist of ritual and non-ritual events (charity work, highdays etc).

2. Guest.

  1. Rights:
    1. Attend public rituals and other public Grove events.
    2. Participate in the Praise Offering parts of the ritual.
    3. Be treated with respect and have questions answered.
    4. If desired, and at least 18 years of age, begin the Membership Process and become an Applicant. 
  2. Expectations:
    1. Bring a small donation of money and/or non-perishable items for charity when attending Grove events.
    2. Bring a feast item to share, when applicable.
  3. Obligations:
    1. Be polite and respectful.

3. Applicant.

  1. Rights: Applicants shall have all the rights of a Guest, plus the following:
    1. If desired, apply for Membership.
    2. Attend some private Member’s Only events at the discretion of the Core Members
  2. Expectations:
    1. Bring a small donation of money and/or non-perishable items for charity whenattending Grove events.
    2. Bring a feast item to share, when applicable.
  3. Obligations:
    1. Be polite and respectful.
    2. Learn more about Druidry and Dancing Lights Grove.
    3. Establish and maintain friendly relations with the Membership.

4. Member.

  1. Rights: Members shall have all the rights of a Guest, plus the following:
    1. Attend private Grove-only rituals and other Grove-only events.
    2. Attend Business Meetings, and vote for purposes of business at Quarterly Meetings.
    3. Use the Dancing Lights Grove Library.
    4. Participate in all parts of rituals, at the discretion of the ritual leaders.
    5. Serve on the Electoral Triad.
    6. If eligible, vote for purposes of Elections.
  2. Expectations:
    1. Contribute and participate in Grove events and discussion; sharing ideas, opinions,and experiences for the betterment of the Grove.
    2. Participate in the voting processes for business and elections if eligible.
    3. Bring a small donation of money and/or non-perishable items for charity when attending Grove events.
    4. Bring a feast item to share, when applicable.
  3. Obligations:
    1. Be polite and respectful, displaying proper etiquette and behaviour as a representative of the Grove.
    2. Faithfulness to the Unity Vow of Dancing Lights Grove.
    3. Payment of Grove dues in accordance with the Schedule of Fees each year.

5. Core Member.

  1. Rights: Core Members shall have all the rights of a Guest, plus the following:
    1. Attend private Grove-only rituals and other Grove-only events.
    2. Attend Business Meetings, and vote for purposes of business at Quarterly Meetings.
    3. Use the Dancing Lights Grove Library.
    4. Participate in all parts of rituals, at the discretion of the ritual leaders.
    5. Write and lead High Day and other rituals, at the discretion of the Membership.
    6. Serve on the Electoral Triad.
    7. If eligible, vote for purposes of Elections.
    8. If eligible, run for Leadership Council and other offices.
  2. Expectations:
    1. Contribute and participate in Grove events and discussion; sharing ideas, opinions,and experiences for the betterment of the Grove.
    2. Participate in the voting processes for business and elections.
    3. Bring a small donation of money and/or non-perishable items for charity when attending Grove events.
    4. Bring a feast item to share, when applicable.
  3. Obligations:
    1. Be polite and respectful, displaying proper etiquette and behaviour as a representative of the Grove.
    2. Faithfulness to the Unity Vow of Dancing Lights Grove.
    3. Payment of Grove dues in accordance with the Schedule of Fees each year.
    4. Hold Voting Member Status

6. Membership Process – Member. The Membership Process shall begin at the point where an interest in joining the Grove is expressed to, and then acknowledged by the Membership. This Application Period shall continue until the Applicant has attended at least four High Day rituals. The Applicant may then meet with the Leadership Council, or a representative thereof, to discuss the rights and responsibilities of Membership. Upon signing the Membership Forms, and receipt of dues payment in accordance with the Schedule of Fees, the Applicant becomes a Member and gains applicable rights. 

  1. Exemption From Application Period. If a Guest has attended seven out of the last eight High Day rituals, they may be considered to have already completed their Application Period and meet with the Leadership Council to continue the Membership Process.

8. Membership Process – Core Member. A Member may apply to become a Core Member under the conditions that they have been a Member of Dancing Lights Grove for a period of at least one year, are currently a Member in Good Standing, and can obtain Sponsorship from a current Core Member. Once the conditions are met, the applicant must submit a letter of intent, and their Sponsor must present the application during a business meeting at which time it will be heard and voted upon. In the case of a tie, the Board will each have one additional vote.

Article 4. Calendar and Rituals

  1. Ceremonial Year. The ceremonial year of Dancing Lights Grove, begins on November 1 and runs to October 31 of every year. [DLG Constitution 4.3]
  2. Fiscal Year. The fiscal year for Dancing Lights Grove begins on January 1 and runs to December 31 of every year.
  3. High Days. The High Days of the Dancing Lights Grove are as provided in the DLG Constitution. These rituals shall be open to the public and advertised on local mailing lists and in other appropriate publications.
  4. Other Rituals. Dancing Lights Grove may hold other rituals throughout the year which may or may not be open to the public.

Article 5. Business and Other Meetings

  1. Business Meetings. Business meetings must occur at least once per month. Business meetings may either be Board or Quarterly meetings. At these meetings, the administrative and organisational aspects of the Grove shall be taken care of, such as planning charity work and scheduling rituals and other events. All administrative business will take place at these meetings. The Senior Druid will chair these meetings, and the Scribe shall take all minutes.
    1. Board Meetings. Board meetings are held every month in which there is no Quarterly Meeting. The Board is comprised of the Leadership Council, Non-Officer Directors, and any other position designated as a Board position.
      1. Quorum. Quorum for Board Meetings will be 2/3 of the Leadership Council, plus one other Board Member.
      2. Voting. Board Members in Good Standing may vote on all matters of business. All Members may attend, but only Board Members having voting rights.
    2. Quarterly Meetings. Quarterly Meetings are held in October, January, April, and July. All Members may attend these meetings, and vote on matters of business.
      1. Quorum. Quorum for Quarterly Meetings will be 2/3 of the Leadership Council, plus one other Board Member, plus one other Member.
      2. Voting. All Members in Good Standing are eligible to vote on matters of business.
    3. Referendum. Any Member may appeal for any vote held at any Board Meeting to be put to a referendum by written request to the Board. The written request must be signed by at least 25% of the Membership, including the petitioner. The Board can decide to hold a referendum based on the outlined concerns. Any referendum will be held at the next Business Meeting, where all Members may attend to vote in the referendum.
  2. Annual General Meeting. The Annual General Meeting (AGM) occurs once per year. At this meeting, the status of the Grove shall be examined with reports from the Leadership Council including membership, events, and financial status over the past year. Elections take place at this meeting with the Electoral Triad presiding over that section of the meeting. The Business Meeting in October will be considered the Annual General Meeting.
  3. Leadership Council Meetings. The Leadership Council may hold private meetings for administrative or other purposes. Minutes of these meetings shall be released Quarterly. 
  4. Other Meetings. Committees and Circles may hold their own meetings in accordance with Article 6. Other meetings, including but not limited to fellowship events, may be held at the discretion of the Membership.

Article 6. Committees and Circles

      1. Committees. A Committee is defined as a group within the Grove to perform some specific service or function. Upon formation, each Committee shall be defined as either standing or ad hoc. Each Committee must include a designated liaison for the purpose of reporting activity to the Board at monthly Business Meetings.
        1. Standing Committees. Standing committees are formed by a vote of the Board, and continue to operate until dissolved by a vote of the Board.
        2. Ad hoc Committees. Ad hoc Committees are formed by a vote of the Board, and must be renewed at each Business Meeting by a vote of the Board.
      2. Circles. A Circle is defined as a group within the Grove that provides study, training, support, and resources in a particular focus area. Upon formation, each Circle shall have a defined purpose, and shall be treated as a standing Committee. Each Circle must include a designated liaison for the purpose of reporting activity to the Board at monthly Business Meetings.

3. No subgroup of Dancing Lights Grove shall contain more than 50% of the current Membership of the Grove. Membership in these subgroups may be restricted depending on the nature of the group.

Article 7. Election of Officers

      1. Electoral Triad. No earlier than four weeks prior to the Autumnal Equinox, the Leadership Council shall appoint an Electoral Triad consisting of three Members in Good Standing. These individuals may not be intending to run as candidates or know of a conflict of interest with someone intending to run in the election. The Electoral Triad will preside over the duration of the election from preparing the slate to counting the ballots.

      1. Nominations. The list of available positions must be presented to the Grove no later than two weeks prior to the Autumnal Equinox. Members who wish to be placed on the ballot must notify the Electoral Triad and the Grove by the Autumnal Equinox. The Electoral Triad will compose the slate of candidates for the various positions and present the slate in written format to the voting members of the Grove, in addition to their ballots.

      1. Voting For Purpose of Elections –A Voting Member is defined as any Member in Good Standing. Each member shall have one vote per position. All decisions of the voting membership shall be made by written ballot. Grove Members may also return their votes to a designated member of the Electoral Triad by telephone or electronic means. 

      1. Quorum for Election of Officers. Quorum with regards to elections must be 50% plus one of all eligible Members. There are no proxy votes in Elections. All votes must be returned by the Member who possesses the vote to the designated Member of the Electoral Triad.

      1. Winning Candidates. Winners shall be determined by a majority of 50% plus one of those voting. In the event of a tie, another round of voting will take place with only the candidates who have received the highest number of tied votes. The term for newly elected candidates shall begin at Samhain.

Article 8. Leadership Council, Board, and Other Officers

      1. Function of the Leadership Council. The Leadership Council is responsible for oversight of all Grove affairs, and for sustaining the general welfare of the Grove, including conflict resolution and mediation. The Leadership Council is responsible for ensuring adherence to these bylaws, and for the spiritual direction of the Grove. They will also set the precise timing for the marking of the eight High Days and other Grove events, with the consultation of the Membership at the monthly meetings.

      1. Members. The Leadership Council consists of three individuals who fill the positions of Senior Druid, Scribe, and Pursewarden. 
      2. Vacancies. The Leadership Council shall arrange, by election, replacements in the event of a vacant office with the consultation of the Membership.

      1. Function of the Board. The Board is responsible for oversight of all Grove business, Committees, and Circles. They will meet monthly, and conduct the day-to-day business of the Grove.

      1. Members. The Board consists of the Leadership Council and the Non-Officer Directors.
      2. Vacancies. The Leadership Council shall arrange, by election, replacements in the event of a vacant office with the consultation of the Membership.

      1. Requirements for Office. A candidate for office must currently be a Member in Good Standing, and have been a Member of the Grove for one full year.

      1. Senior Druid. The Senior Druid shares in the responsibility for the maintenance of the spiritual harmony, vitality and well being of Dancing Lights Grove. They ensure that all appropriate meetings are held and that an agenda is ready in advance of such meetings. They will chair such meetings in a spiritual and organised manner, seeking to obtain the unfettered and unforced participation of each person at such meetings. They will review the reports of the Scribe and Pursewarden and any subgroup or committee. They are the primary representative of Dancing Lights Grove to the general NeoPagan community and all other bodies, organisations and publics outside of Dancing Lights Grove. They will oversee all liturgical activities within Dancing Lights Grove, as well as any Dancing Lights Grove educational endeavour. They are also required to complete an annual report regarding the membership of Dancing Lights Grove for submission at the Annual General Meeting. In general, they will perform in a spiritual, moral and ethical manner the duties consistent with the post of president. The term of the office of Senior Druid shall be two years.

      1. Scribe. The Scribe shall be responsible for recording minutes of all general meetings and of all Leadership Council meetings and for maintaining these records in an orderly fashion; they are also responsible for maintaining records of the proceedings of other committees and subgroups (to be submitted by those committees and subgroups). They are also required to complete an annual report regarding the events of the past year for submission at the Annual General Meeting. In general, they will perform in a spiritual, moral, and ethical manner the duties consistent with the post of secretary. The term of the office of Scribe shall be two years.

      1. Pursewarden. The Pursewarden is responsible for keeping Dancing Lights Grove’s financial records according to Generally Accepted Accounting Principles for non-profit organisations, for handling the monies of Dancing Lights Grove, and for maintaining the bank account(s) of Dancing Lights Grove. They are responsible for providing written financial reports to the Leadership Council and at each monthly Dancing Lights Grove general business meeting, for review by the membership. They are also required to complete an annual report, including financial statements (see Article 10), for submission to the Leadership Council and the Grove at the first meeting of each fiscal year. All reports are to be made freely available to the members of Dancing Lights Grove, and to such government agencies as have reason to request it. In general, they will perform in a spiritual, moral, and ethical manner the duties consistent with the post of treasurer. The term of the office of Pursewarden shall be two years.

      1. Non-Officer Directors. Non-Officer Directors are responsible for assisting the Leadership Council with the day-to-day business of the Grove, including but not limited to overseeing Committees, Circles, and special projects. They will perform their duties in a spiritual, moral, and ethical manner. The term of a Non-Officer Director shall be two years. 

      1. Other Officers. Other positions for leadership can be created if the need arises, however, the Leadership Council will only consist of the Senior Druid, Scribe, and Pursewarden.

Article 9. Financial Records

As a non-profit organisation, the Grove accounting records are to be made available by the Pursewarden for review with reasonable notice. Annual financial statements must be compiled and ratified by the Leadership Council, before being sent to the Dancing Lights Grove members and such government departments as request it.

Article 10. Membership Dues and Allocations

Each year at Samhain, all Members are to pay dues to the Grove in accordance with the Schedule of Fees. The Leadership Council shall allocate funds for Grove events and activities as per the budget set forth for the year, and the Pursewarden shall disburse these funds.

Article 11. Discrimination and Inappropriate Behaviour

Membership and rank in Dancing Lights Grove, and attendance at public or private Grove activities, shall not be denied to any person on the basis of race, ancestry, disability (except as mentioned elsewhere in this article), age, sex, gender, or sexual orientation. Attendance at gender-specific activities may be denied on the basis of gender identification. 

Openly hostile communication or behaviour prejudiced against or directed towards either an individual or a group on any basis shall be grounds for punitive action by the Leadership Council, including expulsion and banning. General statements of personal opinion, when not done in a hostile or destructive way, and when not considered discriminatory on the basis of the criteria above, are permissible.

Behaviour deemed by any Member to constitute sexual harassment, intimidation or threat shall be grounds for punitive action by the Leadership Council, including expulsion and banning. Organisers of public and private activities have the right to ask an individual to leave if, at the organiser(s)’s sole discretion that individual is deemed to be acting in an inappropriate manner. Also, anyone deemed or perceived to be a threat to the Grove, any Member of the Grove, or a Guest at a Grove event may be asked to leave any Grove event.

All organisers of public and private Dancing Lights Grove activities shall make efforts to facilitate the participation of differently-abled individuals. Nonetheless, all aspirants to any given rank or position must be able to meet all the relevant qualifications previously determined for said rank or position, unless the Leadership Council shall rule otherwise in a particular instance.

Article 12. Expulsion, Suspension, or Resignation of Members and Officers

      1. Resignation. Members may resign from membership at any time and may be eligible to rejoin Dancing Lights Grove at a later date. Any Member who fails to renew their dues within three months of membership expiration shall be deemed to have resigned and will no longer receive Grove literature. Any officer may resign from office at any time by submitting a letter of resignation to the Leadership Council.

      1. Removal from Office. An officer who is not fulfilling the requirements of office may be removed by a majority vote of all Members. Said officer shall be sent a formal written notification, including the location and time of the vote, 30 days prior to the vote. Individuals who have been removed from office by this process may not run for any Grove office for three years unless the Leadership Council deems otherwise. Once the Leadership Council rescinds its prohibition, the individual can run for any Grove office. The requirements of office are considered to include behaving in a manner that exemplifies the standards of behaviour placed on any member of Dancing Lights Grove, as expressed elsewhere in these bylaws. 

      1. Suspension and Expulsion. A Member may be suspended or expelled from Dancing Lights Grove by a majority vote of the entire Leadership Council. Suspensions or expulsions can occur if a member is deemed acting and/or behaving inappropriately as a representative of Dancing Lights Grove. Suspensions shall be for a period of a year and a day, unless otherwise specified by the Leadership Council, with reviews occurring quarterly throughout. A Member under consideration for suspension or expulsion must be notified in writing outlining the reasons for the consideration, as well as the location and time of the vote, 30 days prior to that vote. Suspended or expelled members may not hold office or act in any way as representatives of Dancing Lights Grove, and have no right to receive any Grove publications. 

Members who have been suspended or expelled may be banned permanently or temporarily from attending Dancing Lights Grove activities, including public worship, by a majority vote of the entire Leadership Council. Such bans may be announced in Grove publications or on Grove social media accounts. Lifting of ban, expulsion, or suspension is contingent upon the member in question making restitution to the Grove as determined by the Leadership Council. 

At the time of suspension or banning, the Leadership Council shall state the specific conditions under which (at the future determination of the Leadership Council) the suspension or ban shall be revoked. These may include, for example, the restitution of a specified sum of money, or a demonstration on the part of the person in question that they have understood the nature of their offence and have ceased the specified objectionable behaviours that provoked the action.

Article 13. Exceptions to the Bylaws and Amendments

      1. Notwithstanding Clause. The Leadership Council reserves the right to bypass sections of articles in these bylaws with a unanimous consensus of all Leadership Council members in the event of unusual circumstances. Leadership Council members cannot bypass any bylaws where the result would be in conflict with the DLG Constitution, secular regulations, or Article 11.
      2. Amendments. Amendments to these bylaws may be made by the following procedure: The proposed change is submitted in writing to the Leadership Council, at least one week prior to the next Business Meeting. This letter must be signed by at least 25% of the Membership supporting the proposed change. The Leadership Council may recommend modifications to the proposal. At the Business Meeting, the revised proposal shall be read to the Membership and is then posted until the next Quarterly meeting. At that business meeting, the proposed change is read again, and then is voted on by all Members. If a tie happens, the members of the Leadership Council will each receive one more vote. Amended bylaws will go into effect at the end of the business meeting.

As written on July 5, 2007 

Amended on April 14, 2009 

Amended on January 13, 2010 

Amended on July 9, 2012 

Amended on January 14, 2013 

Amended on January 13, 2014 

Amended on February 10, 2014 

Amended on October 20, 2014 

Last Amended October 25, 2020